#006: The $1MM Protein Question

The $1,000,000 question.

I’m struggling to hit my daily protein goal. What do I do, Ant?”

I talked to many folks and found the 3 main reasons why most people struggle to get enough protein in their diet.

  1. Unaware: they have no idea how much you need to eat
  2. Overwhelmed: they feel like it’s too much to eat
  3. Confused: they’re not sure which foods to eat

I’ve used three simple practices for the past decade to consistently customize my nutrition according to my body, lifestyle, and goals.

1. Determine your daily protein needs

It’s easier than you think to calculate your protein needs.

Plus, it’s one of the highest-leverage activities you can do to improve your body composition.

Here are two fast & effortless ways to determine protein needs:

2. Break your daily goal into small, manageable pieces

Let’s say I need to eat 147g of protein daily.

I typically eat 3 meals & 2 snacks daily.

147g of protein spread across 5 feeds = 30g per meal.

You can break your protein goal down even further. Mixing & matching high-protein snack foods makes it even more convenient.

I have a few basic rules that I follow:

  • Don’t eat food you don’t enjoy
  • Stop when you feel 80% full (your brain will catch up)
  • Drink more water with your meals (and generally)
  • Start slow if incorporating additional meals or protein into your diet feels impossible.

3. Mix it up. Eat a variety of proteins

You’re smart enough to know common foods that are higher protein foods.

The challenge is figuring out creative ways to incorporate different types of protein foods into your diet effortlessly.

Here are a few foods that have 30g+ of protein:

  • 1.5 cups of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 6 whole eggs
  • 7oz of greek yogurt + 1oz of Protein Granola
  • 4oz of beef jerky
  • 1.5 servings of protein pancakes (Kodiak Cakes)
  • 1.5 chicken breast
  • 7oz of ground turkey
  • 1.5 scoop of protein powder

Note: I mix my protein into a fruit smoothie, which is much better. I never drink straight protein shakes anymore.

If you made it this far & found this helpful, I appreciate you 👍🏻.

See ya next week.

Strength Daily does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.